Of course making a yule log has never been high on my list of things to do while trying to get everything else done before Christmas. I mean, really, I make a ton of Christmas cookies to send to my friends, and now apparently to the Brain's good referral sources, and then I try to make a gingerbread house. And we can't forget the sauerkraut balls. And frankly, rolling up a cake sort of scared me. After watching Tyler Florence screw up rolling a cake on Iron Chef America (love that show) I was more than nervous that the cake would crack up and die.
I happily decorated the log with snowflake sprinkles and some cacoa nibs (like little wood chips) and my meringue mushrooms. I like to think its like a log in winter.
And now came the SUPER challenge. Today was my grandmother's 90th birthday party. In Michigan. We live in Ohio. 2 hours away. (well the way we drive). So now I had to transport this log. And not kill it. I stuck toothpicks in it so the cling wrap wouldn't mess up the frosting. I packed spare mushroom parts and the leftover frosting.
I held it carefully in my lap the whole drive up. I may be stretching the truth here, I did fall asleep after Toledo for a couple of snores. Once here I unwrapped, fixed a couple mushrooms and tidied it up. After cracking several jokes with my sister G about wanting to see my log, we declared it done. I'm pretty darn pleased with myself. I thought that there was the distinct possibility that I would completely bomb this challenge. Whew!
You can get the recipe for the Yule log here. The only changes I made is that I stuck the mushroom parts together with chocolate and later frosting, and I added 2 oz. of melted bittersweet 62% chocolate to the buttercream because my sister M was annoyed at the lack of chocolate in the yule log.
Check out the rest of the Daring Bakers here. There's something like 300 people posting about Yule Logs between today and tomorrow.
The buttercream looks delicious and I love the tiny snowflakes!
Looking great, Mary! Well done on your first challenge. Welcome to DB!
LOL- I was totally thinking of how Tyler tanked on his yule log on Iron Chef. Good thing he didn't go up against you!
I love to see what everyone else came up with in making their log. This was my first DB challenge. Your log looks exceptional ...and I do love to snowflakes!This "baking challenged" woman had a lot of fun!
I am glad Tyler did not make shy away from it!! I love the little snowflakes on it! Your log looks gorgeous!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
You did a wonderful job on your yule log. Welcome to the Daring Bakers!
Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go
Beautiful Mary! I love how you decorated it! Merry Christmas!
I love your bûche de Noël!
Happy Holidays.
Julius from Occasional Baker
Good job. I love the little snowflakes!
Wonderful job on your first challenge!! It looks wonderful - I love the snowflake sprinkles!
Mary your log is really fabulous. Love the mushrooms on the robe! You seem to have a wonderful Daring Baker spirit. Thanks for baking with us!!
Congrats on completing your first DB challenge. I admit the mushrooms stuck to the robe got an out loud laugh out of me! I think the frosting looks excellent and your mushrooms are very sweet! great job!
awesome job! totally lol'd the mushrooms on the robe!
Wow, I am so impressed that you traveled with the yule log! It looks spectacular - just gorgeous. Great job and happy new year!
jen at use real butter
Welocme to the DB's. Looks great. Ohio to Michigan in 2 hours. I can barely make it to the north suburbs of Chicago in that time.:-)
Way. Too. Cool. The meringue mushrooms are really inspiring for me. Maybe I'll do a fungus theme next Christmas...
Welcome, and congratulations... your log is WAY better than Mr. Florence's. I love the platter you served it on... it's PERFECT.
Happy New Year!
Awesome buttercream, and great job on your first challenge, Mary!
Welcome to the DBers!
Christina ~ She Runs, She Eats
Sorry I didn't get to your Yule Log when it was posted. It is really cute. I love those mushrooms and the snow flake like sprinkles... Great Job!
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