Thursday, May 15, 2008

Curse my need to be usefull....

So Tuesday, I decided I was going to be useful. No more of this lying on the couch with the leg up in the air. I wanted a clean house. I need a clean house. I didn't even mind cleaning the house. So there I went straightening things up. Doing the moderate sized mountain of dishes from this month's Daring Baker Challenge. Changing the bedsheets (no simple task when you're not allowed to kneel). Doing the laundry.

Damn laundry. The washer and dryer are in the basement. Now perhaps you may remember my basement stairs. I would have to travel down these basement stairs to do my swiftly accumulating pile of laundry. And I did. The Brain has been wonderful enough to do laundry for the last 6 weeks and I figured it was time to give him a break. I can do stairs. I've been doing stairs like a normal person for about 2 weeks.

Finally the day started to draw to a close and the brace I have to wear started getting annoying (it does that). And I still had on my super grippy trail running shoes and I rarely wear shoes in the house. And really I was ready to head back to the couch even though the house wasn't completely clean. But I decided to get that last load of laundry first. So down the stairs I went. In an acrobatic leap.


See I'm 5 feet 8 inches tall. I'm taller than the average person was when the basement was dug out. Because of that, on the last step I have to duck my head or get smacked with the wall of the back of the pantry. SO I was walking down the stairs, being careful, like I'd been all day, and I thought to duck, which you'd be amazed how many times I forget, and it all went terribly wrong.

In my ducking I stopped paying attention to my feet and I sort of almost missed the last step. Half my foot got it though and my ankle went sideways. What followed was a panicked flailing of arms and flying laundry basket as I tried desperately to regain my balance or at least not fall on Wilma the Knee. Wilma is fine. My physical therapist checked her out good and she doesn't think I damaged my graft at all. whew. Thank You Jesus! I do have a sprained ankle, an enormous bruise on my behind, some wrenched muscles in my back, bruises on both my arms, a scrape on one arm, and a sprained wrist. We're thinking of decorating the basement in bubble wrap.

Not to worry though, I drove up to Michigan for the last opera of the season, La Traviatta. It was great. Especially the death scene. So now I'm at my mom's and my grandma has sent over a cane for me to use. And I hope you all don't mind, but I think I'll be taking just a little break while I'm up here to recuperate and let the bumps and bruises heal. Don't worry, I'm not damaged bad. I'll most likely be back on Monday.


Kitt said...

Ow. Ow. OW. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

And here's to hubby taking over laundry duties for good.

glamah16 said...

Will you sit still! Take all the time you need.

CB said...

ouch youch! Just stop being useful. sheesh! haha.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mercy Me! You MUST stop trying to do anything but lie around looking gorgeous.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Enjoy your time off Mary. Time to heal and take care of yourself. I am 5 ' 9" so can understand the whole bruising the head incident:D By the way I have passed on an award to you. Pick it up when you get back:D

Cakelaw said...

Owww! I now know why house cleaning never troubles me much - it's an occupational hazard!

Zylo said...

Wow. I haven't been around much lately and it looks like I missed a lot. I feel for your, at least now, multiple injuries and the need to feel useful.

Mrs. White said...

Oh no! Glad you're okay (sorta), and good to hear you enjoyed La Traviatta! I was so bummed I couldn't go thanks to my school trip. Was offered free tickets and everything...